
Persona 5 Royal Answers

Persona 5 Royal Answers Update – Hello sobat, kali ini kita kembali lagi dengan berita terbaru terkait dengan hal-hal menarik setiap harinya. Kali ini akan ada informasi mengenai Persona 5 Royal Answers.

Persona 5 Royal Answers Test

Persona 5 Royal Answers Test secara acak menempatkan anda di tempat selama kelas sementara ujian reguler mengharuskan mengerjakan beberapa pertanyaan sekaligus selama beberapa hari sekolah.

Namun, jika anda sebelumnya memainkan Persona 5 dan menganggapnya cukup belajar, coba tebak lagi.

Persona 5 Royal merombaknya, memberi anda serangkaian soal kelas dan ujian yang hampir berbeda dari versi aslinya.

Beberapa di antaranya kini lebih cocok dengan ceritanya, sementara semuanya masih mengajarkan anda hal-hal sepele menarik tentang Jepang dan dunia yang lebih luas.

Selain itu, Persona 5 Royal kini memiliki segmen di mana anda membantu sesama Pencuri Phantom, Ann ketika dia ditanyai pertanyaan. Sama seperti ketika Morgana membantu anda dengan pertanyaan esai selama ujian, pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu datang dalam beberapa bagian.

Sebaiknya luangkan waktu untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini dengan benar karena jawaban yang benar akan meningkatkan Pengetahuan Anda, sebuah status sosial yang penting.

Persona 5 Royal April test answers

Below you’ll find all of the April test answers in Persona 5 Royal:

April 12th:

Tell me what the Devil’s Dictionary defined as the chief factor in the progress of the human race – Villains.

April 19th:

Between A and B, which line seems longer? – They’re the same.

April 23rd:

Between music, theatre, and chariot racing, which sport did Nero win when he participated in the Olympics? – All of them.

April 25th:

What’s that phrase originally meant to convey? ‘My country, right or wrong’ – You unquestioningly support it.

But the original meaning was different? So I guess it’d be something like… – You have a duty to correct it.

Persona 5 Royal Answers Gaming

Persona 5 Royal Answers Gaming

Q: Tell me what the Devil’s Dictionary defines as the Hider factor in the progress of the human race.

A: Villains

Q: Between A and B … which line seems longer …?

A: They’re the same

Q: Between music, theater, and chariot racing, which sport did Nero win when he participated in the Olympics?

A: All of them

Q: Ann asks for help about what does the phrase “my country right or wrong” mean to convey?

A1: You unquestionably support it

A2: You have a duty to correct it

Q: Do you know the name of the theorem named after this number?

A: Four color theorem

Q1: First off, the “wunder” part probably means …?

A1: Wonder

Q2: Next, the “kind” part. That’s probably …

A2: Child

Q3: Yeah, that’s gotta be it. “Kind” means a child … or at least a young guy, in your case.

A3: A prodigy

Demikianlah informasi menarik kali ini mengenai Persona 5 Royal Answers. Semoga bermanfaat dan menginspirasi.


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